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13 posts tagged with "conda-build"

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Navigating Change in Conda-Build Recipe Formats: Balancing Legacy and Innovation

ยท 3 min read
Ken Odegard
Conda Maintainer

The recent approval of a new recipe format (v1) by the Conda Steering Council via CEP-13 and CEP-14 marks an important milestone in the evolution of package management in the conda ecosystem. While the community embraces the potential improvements that come with the new format, we acknowledge that the v1 recipe format is still undergoing development in rattler-build. Consequently, the v0 recipe format remains widely in use, emphasizing the need to balance innovation with support for legacy systems.

September 2024 Releases

ยท 9 min read
Mahe Iram Khan
Conda Maintainer

The September 2024 releases included updates to conda, conda-build, and conda-libmamba-solver! ๐ŸŽ‰ All of these have been released to both main and conda-forge channels.

Changes in Conda 24.9.0/24.9.1โ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=24.9.1

โœจ Special announcement โœจโ€‹

This is an announcement about an important and positive future change in conda's functionality:

Following feedback from conda users about the pre-configuration of the conda code base to favor channels from Anaconda Inc, we've started the process to deprecate hardcoding Anaconda's channels as the default set of channels in the conda source code, which is a remnant of conda's incubation at the company.

In the future, we will rely on providers of conda distributions, such as miniforge or Anaconda (including miniconda), to pre-configure their preferred channels, e.g. by running the necessary conda config --set channels command.

We're also going to continue to work on improving channel management in the foreseeable future and would love to get your feedback.

November 2023 Releases

ยท 6 min read
Ken Odegard
Conda Maintainer

The November 2023 releases included updates to three conda community projects: conda, conda-build, and conda-libmamba-solver! ๐ŸŽ‰ Each of these have been released to both main and conda-forge.

Changes in Conda 23.11.0โ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=23.11.0

๐Ÿ“ข Special Announcement ๐Ÿ“ขโ€‹

New menuinst v2 support!

September 2023 Releases

ยท 6 min read
Ken Odegard
Conda Maintainer

The September 2023 releases included updates to five conda community projects: conda, conda-build, conda-libmamba-solver, conda-index, and pycosat! ๐ŸŽ‰ Each of these have been released to both main and conda-forge.

Changes in Conda 23.9.0โ€‹

To update conda, run:

conda install -n base conda=23.9.0

๐Ÿ“ข Special Announcement ๐Ÿ“ขโ€‹


Conda's default solver will change to conda-libmamba-solver in a special 23.10.0 release in the near future!

You can already benefit from conda-libmamba-solver today by configuring your conda installation to use it (e.g. by running conda config --set solver libmamba).

The current "classic" solver is based on pycosat/Picosat and will remain part of conda for the foreseeable future. A fallback is possible and available.

Additional details on this change as well as the full announcement can be found in the conda 23.9.0 changelog.