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2020-08-24 conda community meeting

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last weeks meeting None!


  • Matthew Becker
  • Marius van Niekerk
  • Cheng Lee
  • Hameer Abbasi
  • Angela Gloyna
  • Filipe Fernandes
  • Patrick Sodré
  • Raymond Douglass
  • Anthony Scopatz
  • Sebastien Awwad
  • Connor Martin
  • Jonathan Helmus
  • Gonzalo Peña-Castellanos


  • Welcome
    • Community meeting, not only core.
    • People are free to join/not.
  • Projects to invite/add to incubator
  • Discuss conda org transition
    • [Scopatz] Proposed Steps:
      • Figure out GitHub teams for core members
      • Move governance repo to conda org
      • Move smaller projects to community maintenance
        • constructor
        • conda-pack
        • conda-package-handling
        • schema
        • others?
      • Move conda & conda-build to community maintenance
  • Specification Subteam
    • Cheng Lee
    • Matthew Becker
    • Wolf (likely)
  • Numfocus fiscal sponsorship
  • website (and blog?)
    • do we want
    • this? (seems like yes)
    • how should we communicate to the community? (website duh)
      • twitter
      • use command line in conda to send out news
      • website
    • what should we communicate to the community?
      • join our slack
      • document long-term plans
      • outline governance doc
      • document how to get involved etc
      • publish meeting notes
      • list sponsors / contributors
      • list of repos
      • who to bug
      • some text on specs and how it guides the community

Standing items

None yet

Your new agenda items

  • GitHub Teams
    • Public calendar
    • Establish a process for creating and doing admin tasks for repos on the conda org on GitHub
      • use a admin-requests repo to make tickets
      • LONG TERM: investigate moving repo management to terraform? Can use terraform cloud + security policies to tightly control application of how teams, repos etc can be made
    • need to talk to Anaconda IT to figure out permissions
      • Owners are not public
    • Changes made to Anaconda websites need to be locked down (CI jobs, etc).
    • Community permissions put up docs/pages to
    • Website/email e-mail to be updated on GitHub org
    • Archive old projects to conda-attic?
    • change CLA bot to be only anaconda repos
    • Trademark and logo clearance from NumFocus
  • Move smaller projects to community maintenance
    • constructor
    • conda-pack
    • conda-package-handling
    • schema
    • conda
    • conda-build
  • build up website content
    • see above

Stuff from last week that we didn't get to

Who is taking these action items?

  • None yet

Active votes

Subteam updates

Open PRs


Check in on previous action items

Copy previous action items from last meeting agenda.

This meeting

Last meeting

2 meetings ago

3 meetings ago

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