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2025-03-26 Conda Community Meeting

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Various parts of the conda community gather on a regular basis. This meeting brings together all of these sub-communities for a community wide call.


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Jaime Rodríguez-GuerraJRGQuansight/cfjaimergp
Jonathan HelmusJJHAnacondajjhelmus
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda/cfchenghlee
Wolf VollprechtWVprefix.devwolfv
Marco EstersMEAnacondamarcoesters
Dasha GurovaDGAnacondadashagurova
Jannis LeidelJLAnaconda/cfjezdez
Dawn WagesDWAnacondadawnwages
Sophia CastellarinSCQuansight/cfsoapy1

10 people in total


  • Dawn Wages (new Director of Community and Developer Relations at Anaconda)


  • JJH: conda-managed-env : conda package which prevents pip/uv from modifying an environment. Accomplished by adding EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file to the environment.
  • Jaime: constructor release 3.11.3
  • JL: conda/conda-build March release cycle
  • JL: New conda-maintainers members: George Lorch (EM at Anaconda) and Jonathan Helmus!

New Agenda Items