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2022-08-17 Conda Community Meeting


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda/cfchenghlee
Ken OdegardKOAnacondakenodegard
Bianca HendersonBHAnacondabeeankha
Dave ClementsDPCAnacondatnabtaf
John KirkhamJKNVIDIA/cfjakirkham
Daniel HolthDHAnacondadholth
Daniel ChingDJCArgonnecarterbox
Jason McAllisterJMCAnacondaSolid-Snake-Jay

12 people total



  • (CHL; BH) Reminder to vote on Plugins Mechanism Implementation CEP
    • 9 YEA, 0 NAY / 16 Steering Council Members
    • one more vote until quorum
  • (CHL; KO) Reminder to vote on Conda Release Schedule CEP
    • 10 YEA, 0 NAY / 16 Steering Council Members
    • has reached quorum
  • (JMC) SHA-256 checksums went live on yesterday

New Agenda Items

  • (JK) Improving dev tooling experience
  • (DPC) Conda Communication Channels Update proposal
    • Chat, Forum, Announcements Mailing List
    • Is this a good idea?
    • What platform choices should we make?
    • (JRG) Should focus on forum, not instant messaging
  • (DPC)
    • Call for interested team members.
    • Content ideas: (DPC) news & events feed
  • (CJ) Telemetry, potentially as plug-in
    • (CHL) What kind? (CJ) E.g., What was the conda config, what was requested, what was installed?
    • (ED) Interested in internal collection (within a company)? Local telemetry server.
    • (CHL) Have discussed at the local level; want to avoid collecting usernames or other PII.
    • (JK) What about autofilling a GitHub issue when Conda fails?
    • (ED) Idea to submit results to telemetry server and gives a UUID to user (to find issue)
    • (BH) Potential extension to conda doctor
    • (CJ) How should we configure plugins? (condarc vs per-plugin config file)
  • (JK) feedback

What is this meeting for?

Various parts of the conda community gather on a regular basis. This meeting brings together all of these sub-communities for a community wide call.