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2021-04-14 Conda Community Meeting


Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda@chenghlee
Marcel BargullMBBioconda/cf@mbargull
Matthew BeckerMRBcf@beckermr
John LeeJLQuansight@leej3
Marius van NiekerkMvNcf@mariusvniekerk
John KirkhamJKNVIDIA/cf@jakirkham
Keith KrausKKNVIDIA/cf@kkraus14


  • Welcome


Standing Items

  • Conda Community website mockups
  • Outreach to invite more organizations to join this meeting

New Agenda Items

  • (Anaconda) Bumping OS levels required for packages on defaults
    • Linux: CentOS 7 or newer; more specifically GNU libc >=2.17
    • OS X/macOS: 10.13 or newer
    • win-32 deprecated soon...ish.
    • Needed to support, e.g., MKL >=2020, PyTorch 1.8, etc.
  • Consider reserving __ prefix for virutal packages.
  • Think through how to support CPU- or other hardware-specific features
  • "source" subdir, caching sources
    • Need to preserve the source archives (e.g., bzip2, ICU)
    • bioconda has cache of tarballs via Galaxy project
    • updates conda-build to fallback
  • Ways to pass arguments to activation scripts
    • E.g., munge *FLAGS to set -mcpu=, -march=; -std=cxxNN; Windows SDK version
    • Should be exposed as machine- and human-readable metadata
  • Design doc for 5.0 (action item for CHL)
    • What we would like to see for next-gen conda metadata
    • What we would like to see for next-gen conda recipe

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

Active Votes

Subteam Updates

Open PRs


Action items

  • CHL: start design doc for 5.0

Last meeting points (2020-01-26)