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2022-05-25 Conda Community Meeting


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Daniel HolthDHAnacondadholth
Ken OdegardKOAnacondakenodegard
Jannis LeidelJLAnacondajezdez
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnacondachenghlee
Bianca HendersonBHAnacondabeeankha
Katherine KinnamanKKAnacondakathatherine
Filipe FernandesFFconda-forgeocefpaf
Jaime Rodríguez-G.JRGquansight/cfjaimergp
Mike McCartyMMNVIDIAmmccarty
John KirkhamJKcf/NVIDIAjakirkham
Mahe Iram KhanMIKAnacondaforgottenprogramme
Wolf VollprechtWVQuantStackwolfv



Standing Items

New Agenda Items

  • (KO) Draft CEP for conda Release Schedule. Will define future version scheme and release cadence. Need community input.

  • (JL) Talks submissions or attendence for EuroSciPy 2022 this year? Basel, Switzerland from Aug 29 to Sept 2.

  • (JL) conda summit: Current waiting on feedback from SciPy 2022 regarding development sprint application

    • (CHL) Should have accept/decline notice from SciPy organizers in next week or two (early June)
    • Join planning discussion in #conda-summit channel in conda Slack channel
  • (DPC) Governance proposal.

    • Goals
      • Preserve most of the current proposed governance model in conda-incubator. This is based on conda-forge’s governance model.
      • Encourage community and commercial / organizational involvement and innovation.
      • Prevent capture of the conda organization by any one funding organization.
      • Assure the conda community that Anaconda and other commercial entities are truly limited in what they can do going forward.
      • Make the Conda Organization a fiscally-sponsored project, most likely with NumFOCUS.
    • Highlights
      • Pay attention to steering council member funding.
        • Limit # of voting members based on shared funding.
      • Encourage early Provisional membership for organizations that fund conda ecosystem work.

What is this meeting for?

Various parts of the conda community gather on a regular basis. This meeting brings together all of these sub-communities for a community wide call.